Mobil Gard
Mobil Gard was developed by ExxonMobil to protect all marine engines, from the world’s largest shipping fleets to fishing boats, bunkers and supply vessels. Manufactured with over 60 years of experience in marine engines and lubrication technologies, Mobil Gard oils provide optimum performance, reliability and consistent quality.
With the benefits of an engine protected with Mobil Gard, owners and operators can:
– Extends engine and component life
– Consumes less oil
– Changing oil at longer intervals
– It reduces maintenance costs and idle time.
Mobil Gard 560 VS is a high performance cylinder oil that provides exceptional wear protection in low speed marine engines with low and high sulfur fuels.
ExxonMobil also manufactures Mobil Delvac branded diesel engine oils for high speed marine engines.
Marine uses of Mobil Gard and Mobil Delvac oils:
– Inshore and offshore fishing
– Onshore and offshore cargo transportation
– Tugboat, barge and tanker engines
– Onshore and offshore passenger transport, ferries and cruise lines
– Pleasure boats and yachts
– Onshore supply vessels, oil and gas drilling platforms
– trenching
– Port activities – tugboat, barge, supply ship and cargo ports
– Official institutions: Coast guard, navy, customs, maritime police, coast guard